Mona was kind enough to do a blind swap with me. I actually enjoyed the experience. At first I was scared that she might not like what I'll get her but based from her blog, I think she loves it.
Here's the list of what I got from the swap:
1. Bath & Body Works goodies
2. Candies (Which I chomped down immediately
3. Dior's J'adore sample
4. Another falsies from her (She loves me)
5. 2 Lush samples which I am getting addicted to
6. A pocketbook mirror which keeps everyone guessing everytime I take it out.
7. Masks overload.
Thanks again my love.. I love the stuffs you sent me..
Aww sweet! ^^
I love the stuff you sent! :D the vintage tee was such a cute surprise :P
Mona is the best! And thanks for following me! :]
Hey girl, yea I'll being doing a lash tutorial soon. ^^
We ended up leaving poorer lol
We won on the first day =( booo
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