Had a long day today!! Met quite a few irritating people!!! But nevertheless I had a good day. My NFF (New Found Friend) who happens to be an Interior Designer brought me to Home Goods. Instead of a typical make-up/ cosmetics buying sessions I usually have, I had the chance to shop around home items kinda-store. I liked it. It made me feel like I am a mature woman, capable of designing my own home on my mind. Anyhoo I got some stuff there. Believe it or not I am obsessed with knives. Ever since I started living on my own (when I was still single) I always look/ shop for knives on kitchen sections of Macy's JC Penney, Sears, Etc.. I have a couple of kitchenmate, cuisinart knives I left in my old apartment. Luckilly this trip to HomeGooods made me find a Swiss Knife at a fraction of it's cost!!!

Ofcourse beauty related item still attracted my eyes. I gotta have this mirror I said. My eyebrows are like a bunch of bushy grass waiting to get plucked.. lol..
And yes, I bought a knife!! I'm sorry to scare the shittt out of you my blogmate but I'm keeping this on my purse..

And yeah, this is how my highlights look like.. (
steph, I told u I like ur hair) I had it cut w/ almost the same style as yours..
that's it.
next post is about the mystery box I got from my blog swap with steph..
Hehe a knife is a good thing to carry around! xD
Yay!! You cut your hair! Do you like it?? OMG shampoo-ing is the best with short hair, and drying!
Have you been to the Container Store? It's almost as fun as going into Sephora!
Aw the hair style looks great on both you and Steph!
why thank you!
Where is your C-box!!
lol..the knife is funny, but I like your hair!!!
Ooh, there is a home goods at one of my shopping centers but I've never checked it out. Looks like you had fun ^^ & your hilights look great!
My hubby is obsessed with knives too..weird..LOL
You live in Passaic..you need to start getting your eyebrows threaded! That's the way to go..LOL
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