This guy did my shake. I always heard that Banana King got good stuff, and their shake is to die for. I always get the empanadas coz I never thought of the shake as something "that good"

And viola!!!! It's orgasmiccccc!! Really!! You should try it. I ordered chocolate shake and mango for my husband.. yummmm..
I know its bad after workin out but I just cant resist the devil in me..
You know, my metabolism used to be able to take a post-workout treat!
Not anymore, at least for me...enjoy!
Banana King is to DIE for!!! It's my 'I've had too much to drink now I need food' spot..lol
Haha, loove shakes. Well at least you worked out before having it huh? :]
I wish we had a Banana King in Michigan! That looks so yummy. Good job @ hitting the gym!
@Jamilla Camel - you know what, I don't want to think that my metabolism wont burn it.. though I know deep down they really wont. tsk!!
@TAMMY-Girrrl! I was thinking of ya when I hit Banana King.. I thought maybe tammy will read my blog and remember her days here in passaic.. lol..
@Fuz- i know.. that's why i don't feel that much guilt.. lol..
@DSK hey! when you drop by NJ don't forget to hit BK.. Banana King that is.. lol, right tammy?
Everyone must hit Banana King when they're in the area..lol
My days in Passaic..?? I only live 5 minutes away now..lol
Is the gym you go to the one by the Costco..?
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