Monday, November 17, 2008


I'm panicking like a maniac right now. Tomorrow's the last day for the Urban Decay Family & Friends 30% OFF! (FFH30). I have a budget now. It has to be less than $30!!! So now I'm so torn between the two palette:
1. Ammo Shadowbox


2. Sustainable shadowbox

Both are lovely and are less than $30 when the coupon code is entered. I don't which one is better. Please, please, please, puhlease HELP me choose...


Mona said...

ack, that's a toughie! =X I like them both! i know that was no help =X

Sofia said...

Ammo Shadowbox is prettier in my opinion

Gee said...

So what did you decide on????? details, details!! ^-^

Kristine said...

@M- ha! U didn't help me at all. lol..made me decide even harder

Kristine said...

@so-fee_ah- I know.. it looks lovely.. but when I checked the details again, it seems like the other one has more grams on it, like.2g more! :) But the packaging is soooooo rockin!

Kristine said...

@gladys- I guess I'll go with the sustainable. though I'm not really sure about the packaging if it's it?